
Seth Ruffins
Brain Mesh, 2006

Digital Scientific Image; digital rendering derived from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system images

California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, United States

These two views of a wireframe surface model are derived from an MRI atlas of an adult mouse brain. The surface models show the boundaries of approximately 30 identified anatomical structures comprising the brain including the eyes and optic nerves, cerebral cortex, cerebellum, hippocampus, anterior commissure, trigeminal ganglia and nerve roots, and the brain stem. Brain anatomy was manually delineated from Diffusion Weighted Image MRI (not shown) collected by J. Michael Tyszka with a 11.7 Tesla Bruker MRI scanner at the Beckman Institute Biological Imaging Center at Caltech. MRI is a non-optical imaging technique that derives image contrast from the protons in water. Because MRI is non-optical, the entire volume of opaque specimens can be imaged throughout. The brain surfaces were generated using a generalized marching cube algorithm and rendered with Amira software.

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